I've seen several boot trays on the web, particularly in the run up to winter: some places get an awful lot of snow. It makes sense that you would need a practical place to leave snow-boots to drip dry, like the boot tray made by Clean and Scentsible: the couple of times that we have had snow here there has been a trail of soggy footprints through the hallway. It's fair to say that we don't ordinarily have a major issue with snowy footprints in … [Read more...]
Don’t ever let me cook rice.
Despite the -esque in the blog title, many, many people seem to be of the opinion that I am a whizz in the kitchen. Oh, my friends, how little you know. Now ordinarily I would be more than happy to bolster this impression relentlessly so that I can console myself with every monumental hiccup (or other -up) that I am 'believed to be a Goddess by many', but the Tots100 is looking for Morphy Richards Innovators and I am a woman who actually … [Read more...]
Extremely close
How close is close? It's sleeping with a spine pressed against yours. It's someone else filling your bladder, dictating what you eat, deciding when you should sleep. Carrying a baby will redefine how close you are to another person; not only because of the daily experience of bonding you have with your unborn child, but also because you will share many things that were not in your wedding vows: backache, swollen ankles and haemorrhoids. Close is … [Read more...]
Dr Oetker Shimmer Spray and a very easy way to decorate a Birthday Cake
In the run up to Christmas I took part in what may have been my first twitter party (I can't remember), hosted by Maison Cupcake in conjunction with Dr Oetker, and was delighted to receive by post within days, a parcel of treats to use in my baking. Having spent my late teens in Germany, I am more familiar with the pronunciation of Oetker than most, and used the infamous Backin powder almost every day. Some of the treats I received were … [Read more...]
Number One: they were. Can I be?
I've been tangoed tagged, by The Award-Nominee Great British Housewife, to tell you what was Number One the day my babies were born. I had to look it up. You think it would be the kind of stuff you'd never forget, but it turns out I have not the first clue what has been Number One since the late 1990's. I blame Radio 4. On 18th May 2008, the day I became a Mamma, Neil Diamond went to No.1 on the UK album chart with 'Home Before Dark', also a … [Read more...]
Project 366 Week Twelve
The week began the best way it possibly could have: woken by LBG, I was ordered to get back into my own bed as Daddy was making me breakfast. Twenty minutes later, I sat feeding my breakfast to The Girls whilst DH and I smiled at each other across the bed. There were presents, handmade cards, walks on the beach, All-Day-Breakfasts … [Read more...]
Easter chocolates from Hotel Chocolat
I like chocolate. You like chocolate. Everyone likes Hotel Chocolat. And why not? They have taken the humble Easter Egg and ramped it up several notches to create the drool-worthy Ostrich Egg, the scale of which could surely rival any Big Fat Gypsy Easter Egg?? They have taken the standard Easter Egg, turned it on it's head and given us Egg and Chips. I love their quirky sense of humour. I love their packaging. I love their Chocolate … [Read more...]