Lets see what's happened this week, shall we? We met with family on Sunday, managing to sneak a picnic and a walk around the grounds of Sheffield Hall between some fairly epic rain storms. Big thanks go to the Weather Gods who let us enjoy a really lovely few hours playing hide and seek in the undergrowth, jumping off gargantuan logs and chasing swans. The rain continued unabated on Monday morning and we girls were in no rush to leave the … [Read more...]
Gold Medal biscuits for medal-winners
Did you know that London is hosting a World-renowned event, and in just a few short weeks? OK, so you'd have to live in North Korea to not know that. Even The Little Misses have special events planned at Nursery and Kindergarten, and I shall be making good use of my awesome 'lympic torch at the end of term when our playgroup will be having their very own relay event. In keeping with the insanely sporty nature of the coming months, LBG is … [Read more...]
Disney African Cats Premiere
You know when you watch a trailer for an upcoming film and, in a deep, booming tones, the voice-over insists that "if you see one movie this year, make it this one"? That's what I would have told the paparazzi last night had they stuck around long enough after the departure of Prince William and Catherine to ask me. … [Read more...]
How to transform a Nappy Caddy into a Hairdressing Caddy
The Girls are growing up so quickly. Too quickly, maybe. The vast array of paraphernalia that was once so crucial to our daily living is slowly leaving the house by the back door. There is no high chair, no cot, no teeny tiny car-seat. There are no stair-gates, no change mats and now, no nappies- during the day time at least. Which means that I am no longer in need of the nappy caddy that has been in my sitting room for the past four years. … [Read more...]
Howards of Kent flavoured Vodka review
They say that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. In Claire Howard's case though, she made Limoncello. From there it was but a hop, skip and jump to Howards of Kent, her flavoured Vodka business, which she runs from home around her daughter's school hours. Using real fruit from local sources as far as possible at least (lemons and cranberries are harder to come by in the UK!) the Vodka is made using Claire's special formula and … [Read more...]
A week in tweets
So, BritMums have prompted people to follow in the footsteps of the brilliant Slummy Single Mummy (who is not remotely slummy, I have noticed) and write a post in tweets. You would think it would be pretty easy, but let's face it, if I scroll back through my tweets, I discover that I am a shallow individual who has biscuits for breakfast with a fruit chaser and calls it a balanced meal. … [Read more...]
How to make a Russian Icon
LBG and I are really enjoying our trip around the World in the company of Glittering Muffins and others. This month we're off to Russia. And when we were looking at Artists and Art for the Kid's Art project a few days ago, we came across some Russian Icons, which LBG loved, and thought that we should get one. She likes sparkly things. Given that Icons are a little beyond our budget, we made one instead, using: black card leftover gold foil … [Read more...]