This month's Tot's 100 Home Challenge has been challenging: not only have I been revamping our guest room with a limited budget, but it's been filled unexpectedly by the Au Pair, so I haven't had the access I wanted. Throw in the curtain pole that fell down as the blinds went up and it really has posed a problem. In fact, given that plastering and things-that-are-beyond-my-range-of-skills, the pole still stands idle in the corner of the room as I … [Read more...]
How to cook perfect cabbage
Cabbage can be disgusting: think Cabbage Soup Diet, and you know what I mean. Legend has it that my Dad's Granny used to put the cabbage on at dawn so that it would be ready for lunch. Fortunately I assume I have blocked that memory out. For me, there is only one way to cook cabbage. … [Read more...]
How to make an pillow sleepover bed
I'm going to show you how to make a cheaper alternative to the GLTC Bed in a Bag, which costs a staggering £95.00. My version cost a tenth of that. I used a single duvet cover set that I picked up from a local charity shop for £2.50, and pillows that were on sale from Dunelm Mill. Excluding thread, which I had already, the cost of my version is £9.50. Here's How to make an pillow sleepover bed. … [Read more...]
Things I learned in Bruges
The weekend before last we were in Bruges- not on a 'wet' assignment I hasten to add (did you like that film?), but on a House Exchange. I remember Bruges from my childhood: we spent three years in Brussels when my Dad was working at NATO. But I haven't been back since and so had very little idea what to expect, other than frites and chocolate. It was such an easy three hour journey from door to door on a Friday afternoon, including the hanging … [Read more...]
Love Books Summer Book Exchange
I was so excited that the Love Books Exchange has branched out as far as the UK. It's such a great idea. And The Girls said as much today when a parcel arrived bearing a furry paw print. I cannot tell you how speechless I was when I unpacked a mass of fur and pom-poms and bits and pieces all addressed to my Girls. I can tell you that they screamed. A lot. And of course they were far too excited to read the book Where's My Teddy, and had … [Read more...]
Project 366 Week 27
This week's roundup is a little late: we've been camping. It transpires they don't have internet in Coppices. I am still reeling. Sunday: a super day starting with time on the Beach with Lord, Lady and the Hon. S, then lunch and a doze on the sofa. I love a doze on the sofa. An easy journey back to Bromley where The Girls stayed up late- they shouldn't have had a doze on the sofa- until I had finished blogging. Monday was … [Read more...]
I don’t want to have it all.
The Mummy Whisperer wrote an interesting post the other day about whether you can have it all as a mother, as did the ever-articulate Muddling Along. There never seems to be the perfect solution to the perpetual juggling act. I have found myself having this conversation a great deal recently with mums I know well about how you can juggle work and children: it's been on our collective minds I guess because our children all start school in … [Read more...]