It's Autumn. It's chilly and the leaves are falling off the trees and that means it's time for warming recipes that make you smile. A couple of weeks ago, we passed by a neighbour who was harvesting the pears from his tree and he happily handed us a bag of them. After eating our fill, I peeled enough to fit, standing side by side, in a deep pan. Then I added a bottle of red wine, a good glug of Creme de Cassis and about 50ml of mulling … [Read more...]
Remembrance Day Poppy Button picture
I know that Halloween is all that anyone is really focused on at the moment, but another event looms on the horizon that is much more significant, for me at least. I refer to 11 November 2012. Remembrance Day. The chance to take a moment to think and thank. I think of those whose lives have been directly affected by: the people who have to carry on with their loves whilst war rages around them, who have to give up their homes, lose their … [Read more...]
When shingles came to stay: what happens when a child gets shingles
As I was getting LBG ready for bed one night last week, I noticed a red spot on her chest. Nothing stood out about it particularly, and yet something made me make a mental note to keep an eye on it. The next morning that one spot was dozens of teeny tiny blisters, in clusters, on the right hand side of her chest and back, and we took her to A&E where we learned she had Shingles. In retrospect, the night after I noticed that one spot was … [Read more...]
Good Reads: Completing the Puzzle
I absolutely devoured Amanda Egan's first two books. The story of Misfit Mummy kept me in thrall: I definitely identified with the school-run-mum wondering if she would fit in, trying to make friends, be involved with the school and do the best for her child. I felt her pain too, and delighted in her victories. She left a little Mummy-Misfit-shaped hole in my life when I was finished. Imagine, then, my joy when Amanda Egan released Completing … [Read more...]
366 Week 42
How my children see me
I've been tagged by Merry to show you pictures of me, as seen through the eyes of my two tormentors children. They spend so much time drawing but never really draw me very much, so were happy to take up the gauntlet thrown down to them. LBG is 4-and-a-half and an accomplished artist, so she has put a reasonable amount of detail into her depiction, though no colour. She had other things to draw apparently. You've got to … [Read more...]
Easy Peasy Pesto Pizza
You remember the two ingredient breadsticks that Dimples and I made last week? This week we made dough again only we actually made 2-ingredient pizzas this time. We mixed and kneaded and then I discovered a total lack of tomato puree so instead we made Pesto Pizza Bread. Its very simple. You use pesto in place of the tomato base. Sprinkle with cheese then bake as you would a pizza. Delicious. And so very easy. … [Read more...]