How to scupper your Friday night: Leave your much-loved puppy at home with food, water, something to play with and a place to lie down and be quiet until you return. Make sure you close the dog gate behind you. Leave the house. Make sure you put alarm on correct setting and lock the door. Get on train. Spend next two hours fielding calls from alarm company whilst trying to enjoy friend's birthday drinks. Rush … [Read more...]
Pink Pillowcase dresses
I have been meaning to make pillowcase dresses since I saw them on Red Ted's blog, but our last minute holiday this week provided the ideal opportunity. I have been collecting random pillowcases from charity shops in advance of doing this because I have every intention of making some more, once I've cracked it, to send to Sew Scrumptious for her dress appeal. The steps really are surprisingly simple: to give you an idea, I made these in an … [Read more...]
Five things I want you to know about your father.
The Friday Club is back. I missed this one by a long way, but wanted to write nevertheless. “There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.” Source I always get emotional when I address things to you, my darling Girls. I always feel that, as I … [Read more...]
Pumpkin cake: a tutorial
If you are having a Pumpkin-themed party, as we do every October half-term, then you will be in need of a centrepiece. Step forth my guide to creating a marvellous Pumpkin cake. It was a big hit last year. Firstly, of course, you need to make your cake. I opted for three layers of cake, made with recipes I use regularly, but it would be just as easy to use a cake mix, or indeed shop-bought. The layers are for the height, as a 'classic' pumpkin … [Read more...]
Shine 2011 Update: September #shine2011
I have just over two weeks to go. TWO WEEKS!!!! But I'm feeling positive enough to wear my official t-shirt out and about whilst I'm training, which I never imagined would happen when it arrived 10 weeks ago. I'm also nearly half-way towards raising the money required. If you are feeling generous then the link is over there on the right, or CLICK HERE TO DONATE. I've made it to the eight mile mark this week, and although I'm about to disappear … [Read more...]
How to make wax crayon pumpkins
I saw a fabulous tutorial for floating clouds recently and it sparked something in my mind, particularly as I had been thinking of making these autumn leaves with The Girls. It's amazing how two ideas, viewed together, generate a new idea in your head, one that is so easy and effective that it's thoroughly enjoyable to make. This is how this Pumpkin craft was born. And here's how to make wax crayon pumpkins: First, grate your crayons: we used … [Read more...]
If I were inspected by Ofsted
I so loved reading Babyrambles post the other day about being inspected by Ofsted, I thought I'd steal the idea pay homage with my own self-administered inspection of DG Manor. I don't pull any punches when I'm assessing the local retail industry, so I should excel at assessing myself. Let's take a closer look at the criteria: Take necessary steps to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in the setting Skimming quickly over the day … [Read more...]