I think that giving a prompt like 'colour' and then casually saying after it 'just one' is mean. Because a colour immediately springs to mind. And another one, a third hot on it's heels. "That's OK," you say to yourself "I'll do them both." Except you read the small print which clearly states 'only one.' Bugger. So this evening, having gone through almost every chart on the Farrow and Ball colour chart, which features such intriguing … [Read more...]
How to make Monkey Bread
I've seen Monkey Bread around the internet, but mainly on US blogs and sites. Given that we don't get Pilsbury Ready-to-Roll Biscuits here, I assumed that I'd have to wait until I was in Arizona next summer to have a go at making them. Then, wouldn't you know, last week I was in the supermarket and I saw these new Jus Rol Ready to Bake Rustic White Rolls and thought that they might be exactly what I needed. I love the Ready-to-Roll range. … [Read more...]
Kissing Hand Craft
I don't know what it is about my children. Though they are very different, they have one thing in commomn: they always cry when I leave them at 'school' (Kindergarten and Nursery have always been referred to as school at DG Manor. I've no idea why anymore.) Before you start thinking that I am a Bad Mother (and I am, regularly) they LOVE school. They excitedly ask if it's a school day when they wake up, and LBG happily puts her uniform on when … [Read more...]
Inspired by September
Please don't ask me how it is that we are already at the end of September. The year seems to be flying by in a breath, but I assume that's having children for you! And now, here I am on the eve of the Shine 2011 walk that I have been working towards for nine months. Thanks so much to the generous souls who donated to a very worthy cause: you've inspired me to go out there and do my best. I'll be cursing your names by that half-way point, I'm … [Read more...]
Dear Gatwick Airport
Dear Gatwick Airport, I know that you have spent and are spending a lot of money upgrading the airport and I thought you'd appreciate feedback after my recent trip to Kefalonia. I imagine you will also appreciate the fact that I have taken a few days to get round to writing this since the first draft in my head on the way home from the airport in our car was a little....blunt. Firstly I'd like to commend you. Frequently when travelling we … [Read more...]
Homeward bound
I wrote recently for another Gallery prompt that the best thing about travelling was the coming home: I love to see Canary Wharf in the distance and know that I will soon be on my front doorstep. It's a strange thing to grow up overseas. Not just overseas, but travelling, so that every three years you have a new home, a new school, a new social life, a new set of friends. My background meant that I was a good nanny: quick to settle in, get the … [Read more...]
Put on a happy face
If you are in need of a simple preschool craft, then take a sharpie everywhere. It's amazing the things you can put a smile on: … [Read more...]