The Girls have once again vetoed my cunning plan to get a bit of peace and quiet in our very chatty household. It turns out that sponsoring and silence mean very little to three- and one-year-olds. They delighted me instead with what appears to be an un-sponsored scream-a-thon when I presented each of them with a pair of Blush Ears I bought in aid of Children in Need. Between the ears, and the scrumptious Pudsey Bear Cupcakes, it's going to … [Read more...]
Upcycled Pillowcase Skirt
I am totally on a roll now with the whole make-something-from-a-pillowcase thing. This time, it's a skirt. The inspiration was a post on upcycling a pillowcase into a dress at Mummybrain, which I found through pinterest. I took her basic guidelines for making a circle skirt as I has the perfect pillowcase for such a craft. The frilled edge of the floral pillowcase begged to be used, so I unpicked it at the beginning and put it to one side. … [Read more...]
Handpicked Collection Decanter review
I have adored The Handpicked Collection since I found the most perfect gift for new Grandparents on their website, so when they offered me the chance to review something from their Top 25 Bestsellers list, I pretty much bit their hands off. Granted this is a little bit trickier online, but suffice to say that involved a huge number of exclamation marks and Thank Yous. Anyhoo, despite coveting pretty much everything, I generously aquiesced to … [Read more...]
How to deal with emotions in pre-schoolers
I have concerns for LBG. Not in a sinister way, but I see in her so much of myself. My mother and father are both in agreement that she is a carbon copy of the three-year-old that I was, which is wonderful and terrifying at the same time. For whilst I like the child that I was and the person that I am, the transition from one to the other was hideous. It was so hard to know how to be a girl amongst other girls, a teenager, filled with and … [Read more...]
Postman Pat joins the thirty-somethings: a review
It's taken me a while to say this out loud, as it were, so bear with me if I fumble. Postman Pat has been around for *ahem* thirty years. THIRTY YEARS! I genuinely had no idea. Since I remember the birth of Mr Clifton (random general knowledge question thrown in there for you) on our screens that's not strictly true. But then I kind of thought that 1995 was five years ago. Imagine how utterly appalled I was to realise that's not true. So, … [Read more...]
Pillowcase Pyjamas Part 1
I have been inspired to get the sewing machine out in recent days. I so enjoyed making the dresses and skirts for the Girls this summer, and have quite a few random pillowcases lying around which I bought when making dresses for Sew Scrumptious' campaign. I was keen to use them to make some sweet pyjamas for the Girls to wear at Christmas, and was beyond excited to see a pin which used pillowcases to make pjs. Step 1 is to launder your … [Read more...]
Have you met the Sharon Fruit?
Did you ever have one of those lightbulb moments that opened up something to you that you had previously dismissed because it looked too hard? For me it was when I saw Lady W use a peeler to take off the skin of a butternut squash. I had no idea you could do that, and it really made me embrace the squash as a vegetable. Before it seemed like such an effort just to get the skin off and I lacked the enthusiasm. Now tell me have you ever come … [Read more...]