There is nothing that I wouldn't do for Chocolate. Actually that's no longer true. Because once you've tasted the delights of Hotel Chocolat, over-the-counter chocolate no longer has power over you. And when the utterly divine baubles that caress your tongue and smooth the rough edges of your soul as they melt in your mouth come beautifully presented in a teeny pink mansion bursting with pink tissue paper, I promise you that you may … [Read more...]
Our Fairy Platinum Clean Your Own Experience
When an invitation to lunch at the restaurant where you first fell in love, you don't read the small print. At least DH didn't, so I may have waited until the Domestic Goddesque Travelling Circus had arrived at the OXO2 Michael Caines pop-up restaurant before I mentioned that there may be some work involved in return for our meal. As Dimples was fast asleep in her pushchair, LBG and Daddy got straight to work in the children's play area, … [Read more...]
Handpicked Collection Decanter review
I have adored The Handpicked Collection since I found the most perfect gift for new Grandparents on their website, so when they offered me the chance to review something from their Top 25 Bestsellers list, I pretty much bit their hands off. Granted this is a little bit trickier online, but suffice to say that involved a huge number of exclamation marks and Thank Yous. Anyhoo, despite coveting pretty much everything, I generously aquiesced to … [Read more...]
Postman Pat joins the thirty-somethings: a review
It's taken me a while to say this out loud, as it were, so bear with me if I fumble. Postman Pat has been around for *ahem* thirty years. THIRTY YEARS! I genuinely had no idea. Since I remember the birth of Mr Clifton (random general knowledge question thrown in there for you) on our screens that's not strictly true. But then I kind of thought that 1995 was five years ago. Imagine how utterly appalled I was to realise that's not true. So, … [Read more...]
Bakestone Baked Goods
Among the many weaknesses I have is a fondness for carbohydrates. I'd like to take this opportunity to lay the blame squarely at my parents' door. If they hadn't spent my formative years dragging me across the globe to exciting and interesting places, I'm sure I'd have gotten over my utter devotion to the sliced white loaf years ago. I can't help it. I get ribbed by friends, all of whom follow the acknowledged advice that you should give your … [Read more...]
Kissing Hand Craft
I don't know what it is about my children. Though they are very different, they have one thing in commomn: they always cry when I leave them at 'school' (Kindergarten and Nursery have always been referred to as school at DG Manor. I've no idea why anymore.) Before you start thinking that I am a Bad Mother (and I am, regularly) they LOVE school. They excitedly ask if it's a school day when they wake up, and LBG happily puts her uniform on when … [Read more...]
Love a Book: Grace Williams Says It Loud
It’s rare that I don’t finish a book. Even when I realised that a book (in this case, Bounce*) was beyond my post-birth intellect, I’d mark the page and start again once the fog had lifted. I have a feeling that this particular book, Grace Williams would still be Saying it Loud by my bedside in fifteen years if that were the case. It just didn’t gel. I don’t think I ever really got over the horror of the way that the disabled were treated in … [Read more...]