This competition is now closed and the winner has been notified. But you can still get 10% off Cupcakes for Clara goodies with the code DOMESTICGOD10 for ALL of December. What a way to start December! Oh the weather outside is cold and I have been busy inside. But 1pm today I had made and iced one one cake for a School Coffee morning, marzipanned a second and iced a third. I had two meatloaves in the oven and was also drying … [Read more...]
Kick-start Christmas with a Findmeagift Giveaway
I tell you, these giveaways are really putting me in the Christmas mood: I have bottled the Santa's Helper I made after seeing it on the Thrifty Christmas website. It's so delicious, I just don't know if it will last until December 25th, but I'm hoping to enjoy a glass or two whilst decking the halls next week. Today's giveaway is from who have some truly original gift ideas for presents, at Christmas and all the year … [Read more...]
Kick-start Christmas: how to make an easy Advent Calendar!
You will probably be amazed to learn that, despite my love of all things chocolate, I am a hardened fan of traditional Advent Calendars. Right from the childhood days, probably even before the chocolate Advent Calendar had been invented (did I mention I am now officially middle-aged?) I loved opening the window not for the gift but for the picture. Each seasonal symbol somehow made me feel a step closer to Christmas. And now that I have children … [Read more...]
Kick-start Christmas: how to make mince pies and an Amazon Giveaway
It's day of the Kick-Start Christmas Giveaway and I'm sitting watching Barbie The Nutcracker with The Girls. I can feel stirrings of something approximating Christmas spirit, despite the early hour. Which makes it the perfect time to tell you about today's Giveaway. It couldn't be simpler: I have a £25 Amazon voucher. No tricks, no plugging. Yours for a comment telling me what you'd buy with it. And if you are feeling generous, you might … [Read more...]
Kick-start Christmas Giveaway from Dots and Spots
THIS COMPETITION HAS NOW CLOSED. CONGRATULATIONS TO JENNY AT GINGERBREAD HOUSE. I am beside myself with excitement to bring you something to kickstart your Christmas: giveaways. Who doesn't love a giveaway? Note the plural? That's because I have several amazing products to give to you over the next few days. That should get your Christmas spirit kick-started. In fact, lets call it the Kick-start Christmas Giveaway. Today, I … [Read more...]
Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Magic Mirror Wand
As I write, Dimples is asleep (touch wood!) clutching what is currently the most precious thing in the world to her. Thanks to a kind word from Him Up North, Entertainment One made her year by sending her a Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Magic Mirror Wand, and since the moment I got it out of the box, it has gone everywhere with her. I even found myself putting a name label on it this morning so that she could take it with her to nursery. My … [Read more...]
Reindeer Cookies and Gingerbread men
I bet you didn't know what you get if you turn a gingerbread man upside down (and no, it's not a smutty joke.) I didn't either until I was cruising pinterest one day. Invert a gingerbread man and you get a very convincing reindeer cookie. Allow me to demonstrate. First, you will need some gingerbread men. Although I made a dozen ginger-free men. Once your men are baked and cooled, turn them upside down. The head is still the head, it's just … [Read more...]