Parenting is terrifying, exhausting and at times utterly, utterly demoralising. I have never felt so weary, so despairing, such a total failure on such a regular basis, particularly at the moment*. Threeva seems to be revisiting the Terrible Twos in some style. There isn't an hour in the day that I am with her that she doesn't go into total and utter meltdown for the most unpredictable and seemingly innocuous reasons. And once she starts wailing, … [Read more...]
Seven ways you can use your baby weight to lose your baby weight
It's a common desire, albeit after you've given birth and spent a few months adjusting to what it means to be responsible for a small crying baby 24 hours a day, to want to do something about your appearance. There are some lucky people who seem to effortlessly be back in their pre-pregnancy Jeans six weeks after having a baby, but for most of us, it's hard work shedding the few extra pounds. It is, however, effort that pays off, whether you are … [Read more...]
Why you should make a Will.
There's a spot on the inside of my cheek, a lump of scar tissue built up over years of inadvertently biting the inside of my mouth (I'm quite good at injuring myself in preposterous ways.) I spent the morning chewing that spot on the inside of my mouth, hoping that the sensation would be enough of a distraction. It wasn't though. As my Gran's coffin arrived at the Chapel, I could feel the tears welling up. As the celebrant talked about Gran's … [Read more...]