All about DG.
Welcome to my small corner of the internet.
I’m Kelly and I am:
Mother to my two absurdly photogenic little girls. LBG is six and the Dimpled One is four.
Wife of the beleaguered DH, who is almost 40, since you asked.
Master of the Wonder Hound, a Jack Russell who shows no signs of slowing down at 8
Mother Hen to Rosie-Sparkles, Popstar and The Kardashians (can’t keep up with them)
And chief cook, laundress and chauffeur to all of the above. I drink a lot of coffee, wish I drank a few more cocktails, and invariably plug the gap with too much cake. Here’s my story:
Once upon a time, there was a young, blonde, vibrant, twenty-something, who travelled the world as a nanny and maternity nurse, and fell in love with a charming man she met through an internet dating agency, because young vibrant twenty-somethings are far too busy to spend time being bothered by drunk men in horribly dark clubs.
They got married, got a dog and bought a house in the suburbs. They had the obligatory two children (three, if you count the dog. Four if you include the husband.) They added a holiday property on the Kent Coast to which they retreat at weekends.
And then, in the summer of 2013, they made the snap decision to leave the outer-reaches of London, and decamped to the other side of the M25. They acquired a second car, a station parking permit and seven chickens, not to mention a few man tools with which to keep the woodland under control. So when he is not up to his neck in work, DH can be found by the woodpile, forever forgetting to take the walkie-talkie that functions when mobile phones do not, and which is essential for husband-locating purposes. I’ve put a dinner bell on my Christmas List.
The Domestic Godd-esque spends most of the day in wellies, alternating between burning things in the Aga and trying to work out which end of the hoover actually does the work. Chicken ownership has done little to allay her fear of chickens, but has given her a ‘theme’ for the decoration of the kitchen.
In her dreams she succeeds in finishing her parenting book and runs her own business, drives a Land Rover in custom florals and has a pair of wellies for every day of the week.
In her husband’s dreams he writes travel books, has a ride-on tractor, and they have a Housekeeper.
In her children’s dreams they have a Dog Rescue Centre, cake for breakfast, a pink house and someone who will carry them wherever they wish to go.
In the Wonder Hound’s dreams it’s quiet.

Credit: Kate Darkins Photography
We are very happy to review products, events and trips, and have gained considerable expertise.
Do get in touch by emailing Kelly:
Failing that, you can stalk her across social media platforms, which are her escape these days, unless the internet goes down. Then she actually has to have a conversation with her family to pass the time!