You have to trust me when I say that Apples and Snickers go together like Ant and Dec, like Mammasaurus and Mummy Barrow, like coffee and, well, more coffee. And this recipe harnesses the great flavours of fabulous crunchy apples with the chocolate, nougat and peanut scrumptiousness of the Snickers bar.ย A British Classic dessert with a touch of fun: perfect for welcoming in autumnal evenings.
To make Apple Snickers Crumble for 6-ish people, you will need the following ingredients:
a jar of apple sauce
4 apples
4 snickers bars
150g plain flour
75g oats
50g demerara sugar
120g butter
- Spread approx 200g (about half a large jar) of apple sauce across the base of your baking dish: mine is a 28cm enamel pie-dish).
- Peel, core and slice the apples and arrange on top of the sauce.
- Chop snickers into small pieces and sprinkle over the apples.
- In a bowl, mix flour, oats and sugar. Add cubed cold butter, then work the butter into the flour with your fingers in the “rubbing method”. This is the bit my children love doing, so if you have a couple, get them to do it and keep your hands clean! Once you have what Nigella would call a “sandy rubble”, tip the crumble topping onto the snickers-covered apple. Smoothe to the edges with your fingers.
- Bake in the Aga (2 door), sitting on the grid shelf on the floor of the Roasting Ovenย for about 20 minutes, then transfer down to the Simmering oven for another 20 minutes to ensure that the apple is soft and the chocolate melted and mixed with apple juices.
- Serve with your choice of ice-cream, cream or custard. But ice-cream is best ๐
NB: if you do not have an Aga, you would need to bake a crumble for about 30-40 minutes at 175C (160C in a fan oven.)
The chocolate coats the apples and mixes with the sauce to form something rich and smooth and slightly tart. You get the apple flavour broken up with the crunch of nut and the chew of nougat, all with the classic crumble topping that Brits have eaten since birth. It’s the perfect treat to eat before you settle on the sofa and catch up with another British Classic: Downton!
Heh heh heh – I’m Dec though yes? The one without the receeder? ๐
Fo’ Sho Annie.
I have only just seen this and it made me laugh out loud. And want to make it this afternoon
Marry me?
Any time Mummmy Barrow. You + Me 4eva.
Wow this looks very naughty
Oh. My. Word.
I thank you lovely Chris!
Oh my this looks and sounds amazing. I may have drooled on my keyboard ๐ x
Thanks Susan. It went down a treat for breakfast the next day too!
OMG! I’m going to try this!
That sounds dangerously right up my street!!
Enjoy @vickie @notsupermum. It’s a great antidote to all this rotten rain!