I’m celebrating Small victories with Belvita #morningwin
Belvita entered my life when I was house-hunting. Mornings are always such a rush, getting The Girls ready for school, feeding the dog, kissing DH goodbye. I rarely have chance for more than a cup of coffee before we head out of the door for school and whilst I was in search of our Forever Home, that meant leaving The Girls promptly, driving down the M20 and looking at houses- all of which seemed to be 20 minutes apart- then making it back for pick-up at 3pm.
I didn’t have time to stop for breakfast.
Luckily for me Belvita had the perfect solution to my hunger problem: they are the only breakfast biscuits proven to slowly release carbohydrates over four hours as part of a balanced breakfast**. And since then I have kept a couple of packets- they come packaged in handy portion-sized packets- in the glovebox just in case.
This came in handy last week when I forgot The Girls school bags- left on the driveway- and thought I would send them into school without a snack. That couple of packets fit the bill, saved my parental bacon and gave me my #morningwin.
It’s amazing how these small victories can make a big difference in your day, and all before 9am.
Since then I’ve been counting them, and it’s amazing how quickly they add up:
there was the time that the girls I usually have to wake for school woke up by themselves, which woke me, which made me realise I had slept through the alarm,
or when DH made my coffee for me before he left for work,
or that I put a school dress soaked during teeth brushing on the Aga and it was dry five minutes later,
or that I used the baby wipes I keep in my handbag to clean bird poo from a school blazer,
how I arrived at school just as someone was pulling out of a parking space and I got a prime spot!
And how on Fridays we have Breakfast-in-the-Car Day: they have cereal in a Ziplock bag and a probiotic drink whilst listening to One Direction. It gives them 20 minutes longer in bed and as we leave at 7.30am- and they are exhausted by the end of the week- that’s a big deal.
This post is an entry for #MorningWin Linky Challenge sponsored by belVita Breakfast. Learn more at http://bit.ly/belVitaUK
**e.g. With a serving of Belvita breakfast biscuits, a portion of fruit, a serving of dairy and a drink.
I enjoyed getting a glimpse into your mornings. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part