It’s literally been 58,000 year since I last joined in a meme thing but I assume that they are back in vogue and anything that gives me five minutes away from a loom band at this point is a blessing. Becky tagged me and whilst her efforts are far more impressive than mine, do stay tuned as I am totally winging this one so it could get messy.
Without further ado, What I’m Doing Now (ish):
Listening to – the silence of two small children drifting off to sleep in their rooms down the hallway.
Laughing at – the things that they said to me today.
Swooning over – pictures of Canada. We’re headed there this summer for our holidays so I am busy looking for things to do, places to eat, where to go. And it looks seriously lovely.
Planning – the summer holiday. The Girls break up on Thursday so I want to have a schedule in place so that they don’t suffer “Learning Loss”. That and they have given me a list of things they want to do over the summer vacation.
Eating lots of – wild strawberries and raspberries. DH has just been foraging in the woods below the house and come back with a tupperware box full. Life in the country has it’s blessings I think!
Feeling – it’s never one feeling. I am panicked that the school holidays are starting, yet relieved that I won’t need to obey the 6:20am alarm every morning for nine weeks. I am exhausted from our weekend away yet reinvigorated by it. I am momentarily calm and organised, yet panicked by my To Do List.
Discovering – a veggie plot that has laid dormant for thirty years. When we moved here it was a wilderness of brambles and past-their best fruit bushes. As DH strimmed and cut and turned over the earth he discovered a concrete path around two clear oblongs. Next year we will be attempting to grow things. And eat them. I rather assumed I was Margot but fear that I may be turning into Barbra. Next stop, pigs.
Looking at – the sun going down across the lawn and the trees beyond. The wild rabbits are out, nibbling on the grass, which will drive the dog bonkers when she realises.
Wearing – Pearls, naturally. With a pair of bright blue cotton trousers from BHS, a plain white T and a fabulous zesty orange carigan from my favourite online retailer, Land’s End.
Cooking – I haven’t decided. We had lunch at the Hadlow Bar and Grill today so won;t want too much for supper. But it must involve eggs. The chickens have been laying very well lately and I haven’t baked enough so we have an Egg-splosion that needs using up!
Wondering – whether I can talk DH into cooking supper whilst I have a bath. And wondering how I got to be so lucky. I’ve had a few really tough months, full of questioning, soul-searching and rivers of tears. It’s been brutal. But it has made me so incredibly grateful for the important things: the love of a truly good man, the health of two impossibly photogenic and witty and elegant children, an extended family who have always been there for me. I am lucky to have all that I do, and so much more, whatever outcome my soul-searching has.
Trying Out – my new-to-me-car. DH finally relented after my car had one too many issues, and bought me a 4×4 and I am still at the mad-crush stage. It’s different driving an SUV full time when you are used to an Estate: I feel so much higher up. Plus I love discovering great storage and gadgets and gizmos like cruise control and the button that makes your wing mirrors fold in (so useful on the school run). Simple things!
Tagging Mummy Matters and Cafe Bebe in their turn! Can’t wait to read ladies!
I love the sound of your countryside living – if you ever have too many eggs feel free to send them over to us in London 😉 Soul-searching is good, and I love that yours helped you to recognise all the good bits in your life, it’s often so easy to only see the negatives and not appreciate the positives x
Great idea,I love this post 🙂
What a great meme-thingy-mejig! I love Canada, we spent a month their honeymooning (pre kids) and travelled from West to East, a lovely country and so very placid everywhere we went! And Land’s End clothes are just wonderful, although I do have to save up my pennies for the things that I like! Enjoy the silence & the bath, hopefully. A jaunty read!