I grew up celebrating Burn’s Night on January 25th. I presume it’s an Armed Forces thing because we aren’t Scottish. That doesn’t stop me wanting to share three great Crafts you can make for Burn’s Night with your children, though!
1. Haggis Craft: what could be easier that splatter painting? Children love it and the texture works brilliantly too.
2. Thistle craft: pompoms and sticks make simple yet striking thistles- the flower of Scotland.
3. Kilt craft: make your own kilt with strips of paper! A great use for leftover Christmas wrapping paper!
*barfs at haggis* I love the pom pom and kilt.I don’t think I knew about Burn’s Night until I was in my 20’s.
Haggis is unappealing, but the craft less so @aly!