Hot on the heels of our sweet little Royal Baby Welcome Cards, and whilst we await the arrival of the #royalbaby,Β come the Royal Baby Cookie Pops. The Girls suggested that I make them “some cookies that are babies too.” They wanted Royal Ones But frankly I didn’t have any yellow fondant icing, so instead I made Baby Cookie Pops as a tribute to the imminent arrival of the World’s Most Famous Baby*.
They are fairly simple. Honestly. I used my favourite biscuit recipe to make a batch of round biscuits and as soon as they were out of the oven, I pushed a lollipop stick gently into them. Then I let them cool whilst I rolled out some of the fondant icing I had leftover from our Magic Belle Cupcake Cookies.
I pretty much used the same technique too: I cut out circles of pink which were affixed with water to the cookie pops then cut semi-circles of purple for the hats, also fixed with water. I made indents in the hats that gave the impression of it being knitted, and added a pompom to one. To the other I added a plaited brim.
Seriously, if you can play with Playdoh, you can use fondant. You use the same techniques: rolling out balls and worms and so on as the basis for shapes. The little noses are tiny balls of fondant- stuck with water- and the dummy I made with a flattened ball to which I added a teensy circlet of fondant worm.
Finally, I dug out my Wilton Cake Writer pens and added detail. The eyes and hair were simple but for the cheeks I wanted a slightly less cartoon effect so I drew with the red food writer on the tip of one finger then dabbed it onto the cheek area until I got the blushed effect.
They aren’t perfect, obviously. It’s hot, so the icing was harder to manage. There are dents from my over-enthusiastic nails and from where my kids joined in helping. I would make a more delicate plait if I did them again. Actually there’s lots I would do differently but I don’t have time to be a perfectionist. It’s summer and I want to get out there with my kids. I only hope Kate gets to do the same.
*Poor thing. Anyone else feel a little sorry for Kate and the baby due to all the media coverage? I know how I felt in the days after LBG arrived and I could not have felt less like being in the spotlight.
They are sooooo cute π
Thanks Cake and Scribbles. They were tasty too π
I love these! My SIL is due right now too, I might make her some π P.S those pens look brilliant, never seen them before!
The pens are great for a number of cookie ideas: worth having in your arsenal MummyNeverSleeps
These are so cute. You are a Royal Baby expert before it’s even born π