The weather this year has not been brilliant: it has rained relentlessly since the day they banned hosepipes in the South East. The legacy of all that wet weather is a lush green garden. A garden that hasn’t seen that much action this year, due in part to the weather and in part to the building of the Man Cave.
Happily this month’s Tots 100 Home Club Challenge is of the garden variety, not that there is anything common about it (see what I did there?) Homebase are very kindly giving me $100 to spend in store to help make the most of our garden space. It’s a challenge, not least because I have a large garden. My strategy follows thus:
1. The Climbing Frame. It came with the house. When we broke ground on the Man Cave, we moved it from it’s (stupid- what were the former owners thinking?) position in the centre of the garden to it’s new home. It’s out of the harsh midday sun so my children no longer get blinded whilst they swing. It is now sans slide: we didn’t think our Little Misses would enjoy sliding at speed into the blackberry bushes. It is still in reasonable shape but there’s no denying that’s it has seen better days. I feel a pimping coming on.
2. The Playhouse. Our PFB moment: for LBG’s first birthday, we shelled out serious cash getting a concrete base laid, having the playhouse constructed, carpeting and curtaining and painting. It has it’s own door number for goodness sake. It also spent the past six months housing all the stuff from the garden shed until our Man Cave was complete. And the Little Misses have been asking for a garden of their very own….
3. Now that the Man Cave is finished, there is no skip out front. Which means that DH is no longer raiding it every evening for usable wood that can be burned on our wood fire over the winter. That all needs a storage facility.
Making the most of our garden space could be interesting, don;t you think? Good thing Homebase have a super-dooper App on Facebook to help with my planning!
Lets swap gardens!