As May comes to an end, so does the #SnapHappyBritMums Challenge that I have been taking part in. You can see my reponse to the daily photo prompts on my Facebook page.
In other news, this has been the last week before half-term, which means we have all been trying to do too much in the little time we have before our Eurotunnel crossing on Saturday morning. DH is snowed under at work and we have barely seen him. The painters are trying to finish off the Man Cave and our newly designated Playroom before we go away: all the things that should be in these rooms are distributed throughout the house so that I feel a bit claustrophobic. This further complicates the Tots 100 Home Club (ireonically on storage) as I have limited space to sort things out, never mind the packing that I still have to do. Oh, and did I mention that Half-term is a House-Swap so I need to leave DG Manor in an immaculate state for it’s visiting Italian family? No pressure there then!!
Sunday was a lovely day: warm and breezy and filled with beach fun, we bundled all the children in the Beach Buggy for a morning on the sand, followed by lunch at home before Uncle Wilbur and The Cousins headed back home and we packed up to return to Bromley and the impending pre-holiday craziness. Safe to say that The Girls are looking forward to our long car journey over Half-Term as they really like their DVD players.
On Monday- Uncle Adam’s birthday- we made paper worms and a cake. We picked up Granny, who helped redistribute ‘stuff’ in advance of painting. Then we welcomed Uncle Adam, with all the ensuing squeals of delight, presents and chaos. The Girls had a cooling bath at some point and curry was ordered. Poor Uncle Adam helped me move furniture ahead of a post-half-term Tots 100 Home Challenge (it had to be done then because an au-pair will be moving in on 11th June) instead of enjoying his birthday treat but was rewarded with a two-tier birthday cake and raucous singing from his nieces.
Tuesday morning brought more sun and an exhausted Dimples who fell asleep in the pushchair whilst I ran a few errands. Then she got naked and ‘helped’ whilst I dyed some t-shirts and spray painted some household objects (see future posts!) End result: one toddler resembling Violet Beauregard. Still, I got lots done and even managed a playdate and some flatpack furniture assembly before putting The Girls to bed. With DH away overnight, I spent the evening catching up on Sky+ viewing whilst cuddling an unhappy toddler. The heat is tough on littlies.
Wednesday- Hump Day- involved scouring Homebase and Charity Shops, then dashing home with the results to revamp and rearrange and primp and photograph. Writing posts for the blog, doing some online research for DH, a nap and some lunch all followed whilst LBG was at a play-date, and before I knew it the day was gone. Then I got to attend my very first tweet-up in Bromley for the #BeckBromFL, and had a fascinating, fabulous, if very hot, evening putting faces to online personae and gobbling cake pops.
By Thursday it’s fair to say I was stressed, knowing that I had so much to do. The painters did their best to finish, staying late so that they could help move furniture. I ran playgroup and had coffee, all the while biding my time until the time came to finally start putting things back where they belonged, prepping the house for visitors and packing our things for our much anticipated trip. A very disappointing experience in Tesco’s- why put things on shelves if they are not for sale???– left me with a sobbing four-year-old and an afternoon of pizza, tv and lots of cuddles. Cuddling my Girls is so much more important than packing anyway!
And then it was Friday. First up- a trip to the dog kennels, then home via the petrol station and toy store (after yesterday’s Tesco debacle) to prepare for the long drive through France. The Girls got to watch TV to their exhausted little hearts’ content whilst I did my best whirlwind impression. Thank goodness for Grannies, because mine saved my bacon: I would not have been ready for the week in France if she hadn’t offered moral and physical support whilst I manically moved furniture, tidied and packed. We made it to the coast at midnight: DH was in the Office until fairly late, poor man.
Then six hours later, we were France-bound. A trip on the Eurotunnel followed by a long drive- made longer by shocking traffic. All the while we watched the thermometer steadily climb so that when we reached our destination it was still 27C, despite being 7.30pm. The house, being old, was beautifully cool and we are very much looking forward to enjoying our latest house exchange. The Girls are excited that the people we are staying with have a dog. Good to see they’ve got their priorities right.
Great selection of pictures, i especially love the star fish one 🙂
Busy busy times, have a lovely week away and thank you for linking your outdoor fun to Country Kids