I recently bought a rotary whisk. I thought it would be a great tool to expand The Girls’ skills in the kitchen, and other things. Then I subsequently bought two Mangoes with which to make a dessert for the MIL- using the famed Mango corer on it’s yearly outing- at the weekend. They definitely weren’t Perfectly Ripe, as advertised. But they were perfectly ripe this afternoon.
So, I chopped them up, putting as many of the pieces that LBG and Dimples didn’t scoff, and put them in an ovenproof dish. Then I set LBG to work with the rotary whisk on 1/2 large tub of cream (approx 250ml) to which I added 1tbsp Vanilla Sugar.
Meanwhile, Dimples and I added the zest of a lime and a (generous) tablespoon or two of rum (Morgan’s Spiced) to the mango, and gave it a good stir.
Once the cream was finally firm, I folded in the same amount of Greek Yogurt, then spread the amalgamation (gratuitous use of a great word) over the steeping Mango.
Lastly, The Girls sprinkled the whole dish- and kitchen- with dark brown sugar.
Then you bung it under the grill for about ten minutes until the top is all golden and bubbly.
Serve as you wish: it’s nice warm, but can equally sit whilst you linger over supper and be enjoyed cool. It also works with other fruits: I have done it with cherries, forest fruits, and peaches. If you wanted to use firmer fruits, you would probably need to poach them until soft.
wow, sound delicious, thanks for sharing on Craft schooling Sunday!