Everyone who is a fan of Picnik will know that its days are numbered: from 19th April it will disappear, assimilated into the great Google black hole. This is the ‘Biggest Disaster Ever’ for me asd I came fairly late to the Picnik party in the first place. I’ve been wishing and hoping that the ideal alternative picture editing site will present itself, and it did.
There are whispers around the interweb that Pic Monkey is the new Picnik. It makes sense. The brains behind PicMonkey were the brains behind Picnik. The only difference is that once ants were a big issue. Now it’s the monkey. I quite like him.
Anyhow, PicMonkey is fabulous. It’s Luke Skywalker to Darth Vader…at least I think it is. It’s been a while since I watched the movies. I assume that the monkey would be Chewbacca in this analogy. Doesn’t everyone love Chewbacca? Everyone should love the monkey too. He offers all the bells and whistles that Darth had, and yet it’s faster. And I mean noticeably faster. Lightyears maybe.
It’s also so much easier to use. You drag and drop your photo.
Then on the left-hand side there are a few symbols. Click on them and you can edit your photos. Mess with the exposure.
The colour.
Choose from all the effects that you loved so much in Picnik: Orton, Cross Process, Posterise, Select Focus, Lomo……..I could go on.
Add your watermark- yes, there are less fonts. But did you use them all before??
Save and upload. It’s almost intuitive.
And did I mention fast? I am one happy Monkey-lover.
Love this post, convinced I’d commented before or was that over DM. Linked you in to mine.
Thanks BoyandMe!!
I’ll definitely have to check it out. I am having breakdowns trying to learn Photoshop. My clever meeeedja friends say ‘oh it’s very simple and easy once you get the hang of it’. Well yes, isn’t everything?! If I have to just resize pictures and/or crop them, I actually use *blushes* Paint – quick and idiot proof…
Nothing wrong with Paint, Heidi. I haven’t the first clue about Photoshop, but i got the hang of Picnik quite easily and PicMonkey was even faster.
Off for a look – been searching for a good alternative for ages
Great tip. I too am late to the Picnik party and was dismayed to see it was disappearing. Thank you for Pic Monkey – I am going to give it a try later tonight!
Glad I could help Jen.