There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for Chocolate.
Actually that’s no longer true. Because once you’ve tasted the delights of Hotel Chocolat, over-the-counter chocolate no longer has power over you.
And when the utterly divine baubles that caress your tongue and smooth the rough edges of your soul as they melt in your mouth come beautifully presented in a teeny pink mansion bursting with pink tissue paper, I promise you that you may actually touch the gates of heaven.
For that, fair reader, is the joy that has been visited on me this very day. A delicious mix of pretty chocolates fell like trinkets from a jewellery box as I opened the house-shaped box, each one more inviting than the last: a fairy, magic beans, molten cups of caramel. It almost felt like I was in a fairy tale. And whilst I (note I have yet to mention this particular arrival to the DH) am savouring every mouthful, the box is getting daily use.
For my Twinkle Toes Manor is actually a very robust, carefully decorated, two-storey house, replete with removable roof, and a front door that opens and shuts. And the Girls love it.
In short, my friends, if I could buy each and every one of you this fabulous pink mansion, or indeed any of the other gorgeous hampers, I would. So hurry to your nearest Hotel Chocolat or visit for the Christmas present that will get you a kiss under the mistletoe.
Disclosure: I was sent these chocolates for review purposes. The flamboyant lyricising is all mine. As are the chocolates: no sharing here π
Go on! You know you want to tell me what you think!