LBG is ‘writing’ a holiday diary during half-term fortnight: my sneaky way of encouraging her to keep going with her sound practice (like Mocha Beanie Mummy, we have ‘homework’) and a good way of charting the days. It’s also helpful for me to have a plan for each day, since I thrive on routine and have been struggling with my PND of late: if things are in place, it helps me to keep going too.
This is what we have been up to:
This post is an entry into the Tots100 Best Western School Holiday competition.
Sorry this is the link to my blog-typed it in wrong in previous comment
Thank you so much Fiona. I really appreciate your comments. PND sucks, but one day it’ll grow into depression π
Hi-just found your blog via ‘no time for flashcards’ and I think its fab! This is such a great idea! I think we will do this over Christmas. I have PND too so I know what you mean about needing a plan and routine. xxx
I love when she wrote the words above =-) I wanted to invite you to my TGIF Linky Party at
Thanks for the invitation Beth: I’ll be over later!