I tell you, the summer holidays seem to be whizzing by now. Even the British weather seems to have co-operated to a certain degree, so we have plenty of good days at the beach with friends and family. Of course the thing about the beach is that, no matter how hard you try to clean it off, the sand welds itself to the parts of your children’s anatomy that are most sensitive and hardest to clean. Like the scalp. And the undercarriage, or groovy bits as my family call it.
So, when we get back to the house, we abandon the beach buggy, deposit all clothes and shoes on the doorstep, and head dirctly up the stairs to the bathroom. A good soak in a warm bubbly bath later, and a bit of crying (it doesn’t matter what I do, I always manage to upset one or other of them by washing their hair at an ‘inconvenient moment. It’s almost a gift) et voila! Two clean children.
The next issue is how to dry their hair. Dimples legs it the moment her feet touch the ground, and the PD is not much better. She is happy for me to ensure every crevice is dry and sand-free, but her precious locks? Forget about it.
Bizarrely, I inadvertantly came across a solution recently in Poundland, when I purchased a hair turban. For myself. I’m working on making myself more middle-aged, not that I need too much help in that department. The Girls have a fondness for using my pink towels for play and so I often find that I have a towel for body or hair, but not both. But the turban was small and not pink so there was a chance that I wouldn’t have to make a naked dash from bathroom to bedroom first thing in the morning (lets face it, no-one needs to see naked middle-aged post-birth flesh at any time, least of all first thing in the morning, least of all me.)
Wouldn’t you know it, the Girls thought the turban was wonderful. So wonderful that they fought bitterly over it forcing me to dispatch DH dirctly from the station to the store to purchase a second one. Three happy girls, one quiet house, and no more wet pillowcases: a result for a bargain price.
Rather tenuously linked to this week’s topic at The Gallery, which is water. For more water wonders, mosey on over to see Tara.
a hair turbane- I wonder where I can buy one of those in the states?
Such a gorgeous photo, she looks like she’s in some fancy beauty pallor and lapping up every minute of it!!
Here in Japan the kids use something similar to the towel turban, they all look like little elves!!
Funnily enough I did think they looked uite elfin. Or Smurf-like!
How come you can never have anything of your own anymore, it is a nightmare isn’t it? x
lovely take on the water theme.. getting dry!
Love the happines on her face…looks like she’s gonna be high maintenance to me π
Fab tiles you’ve got there