The Inaugural MAD awards sound like they were a blast. I am deeply jealous of anyone who was even nominated, never mind the attendees, primarily because I was breastfeeding a small baby and therefore strung out on a mad blend of hormones, lack of sleep and Toddler-induced rage, a result of daily negotiations with the Pocket Dictator over absolutely everything. All of which makes me the ideal candidate to attend this year’s event: I am MAD. Stark staring bonkers. Insane. Cuckoo. If my middle name isn’t Nutter, and I’m no longer sure what my middle name is, I might even change it by Deed Poll.
There is the small issue of eligibility to attend. Apparently it’s not enough that I cling to the edge of sanity with bloody finger stumps on a daily basis: they actually require that I be nominated in a category. Which requires me to beg you in a pitiful and grovelly type fashion (my insanity helps a good deal with the utter shamelessness of such things) to ‘Get Out and Vote’. Ideally before the Referendum, since the voting is only open until April 22nd 2011. I do make very good cakes, if that is in any way appealing to you [disclaimer: other bribes are available].
So, should you have a) a moment b) a computer c) the interweb and d) a cupcake fetish, vote for me. You might just save me from the men in white coats. I am MAD for it. A MAD [wo]MAN. MAD as a hatter. I could be the:
Or I could even be the writer of the bestest
- MAD Blog Post of the Year for this, this or even this.
You don’t need to be a blogger, or live in the UK or sign up for anything, except my unswerving devotion and maybe the odd cake.
[Disclaimer: you can vote for other blogs too. It might make me MAD though. And less inclined to give you cake.]
Ha, ha! Brilliant! Wishing you all the very best x Have fun and being MAD rocks!