Primarily because I unceasingly fail to toss them successfully, I always told people that I couldn’t make pancakes. I couldn’t bear the humiliation of scraping blobs of semi-cooked batter from ceilings, walls and pans.
Then God gave me children.
My children lack what seems to be the generally assumed love of the White Stuff bestowed upon most pre-schoolers. I have a friend whose children down two pints each before bed. Yes, each. Mine both quit drinking neat milk before they blew out their First Birthday Candle, so they have a hot chocolate before bed. If I am lucky, they might drink a pint between them.
That would be fine if they ate cheese. Which they don’t. One is allergic, like her father. The other will only eat cheese when it comes with a bean-smothered baked potato. Or rather ‘Next to’, since if the cheese is buried under the beans and therefore melted there is a very special Inappropriate Cheese Tanty that has to be endured. They don’t ‘do’ eggs either.
So I am a little obsessed, particularly where Dimples is concerned as she is under Two. They get given a lot of broccoli, which I learned has a high calcium content for a vegetable, and they adore baked beans. I also hand out yogurts and probiotic drinks like rice cakes. And ice-cream, of course. And pancakes, which have become a weekly thing in our house.
We have Pink Pancakes (recently shortened to Pin-cakes) for breakfast every Friday. It’s a brilliant way of smuggling fruit, as well as dairy, into my girls. All you need is your favourite American-style pancake recipe (try Mumra’s if you don’t have one) and a can of red fruit, with the juice. I tend to drain and blend the fruit with a handblender, then top up with milk to the required amount, but you could use the juice too. Thenย just cook as instructed (you can freeze those that don’t get eaten). If DH and I are eating, I usually cook the Girls’ Pancakes first, then throw a couple of handfuls of dried cherries or blueberries into the batter.
But this weekend, as a special treat, and because we won’t get the chance to have Pancakes tomorrow on the Official Day, we had CHOCOLATE PANCAKES. I write this in capitals because that was pretty much PD’s reaction when I told her what we were having. I used a very simple recipe like Monkeying Around‘s and used 1/3rd cup drinking chocolate (cocoa too bitter) with 2/3rds flour, instead of a simple cup of flour. Served with strawberries and Squirty Cream. Not that there is a picture. They went quite quickly.
In case you are wondering, I am a Flipper, not a Tosser though.
If you have made, are making or will be making Pancakes on 8th March 2011, or are doing something special to celebrate, like going to a Pancake Race, I’d love it if you could link up with me.
I thought I was a bit of a tosser but after dropping two I’ve decided to stick to flipping!
Tossing is soooo last year, darling!
pink pancakes! that is brilliant, I would never have thought of that and it might get my daughter to eat them! thanks for the tip. x
Thanks for visiting and glad i could help!
Would there be any doubt that I’d love your pink pancakes?? Thanks for commenting on my pancake post and telling me about your link up. Great idea! I’ve still got left over pancakes from a few days ago when I did my post, so I’m going to have them in a bit with some fresh squeezed lime juice & sugar.
The simplest flavours really are the best: I prefer lemon and sugar with ‘proper’ pancakes. But the pink ones are very good ๐
Love the pinks ones shall have to try them! I am not much of a tosser either, DH is the main tosser in this house!
Tah dah!
Have linked to my dairy free pancakes (and last year’s vlog of Bigger and I having a go at tossing them)
Will link back when I get home later
As ever, you are an angel Muddling. Thanks for linking ๐
Hi Sweetie! I have linked up a YEAR OLD post on your lovely Tosser post. It was also a linky carnival and includes some year-old video of Little Miss and me and links to about 15 more bloggers…most of whom are still blogging I think!
Just FYI, if you’re self-hosted, you can use different code for the McLinky so the whole Linky list appears on your post as opposed to going elsewhere. If you go to GET CODE in the Linky tools, there are 2 codes which appear- the TOP one is for self-hosted WP sites which use java-script. That’s the one you want. The BOTTOM one is for Blogger and non-java-script sites and I think that may be the one you use. It’s not a MAJOR deal but the linky links will appear in full on your site if you use the top code. Let me know if you need help! ๐
God Bless you. As you can see I have sorted things and thanks for linking up!
OOh, I’d never thought of doing chocolate pancakes – yum!
You won’t regret it!