Shit, I forgot to take the mince out of the freezer.
Shhhhhhhh, baby mine, sleep a while,
While I just run the hoover round, while I do the tax returns, while I write a chapter.
Shhhhhhh, precious one,
One minute whilst I answer the door, the phone, the party invitation.
Quiet my darling,
“Hi darling, could you collect the dry cleaning?”
Quiet my love,
“I’d love to, but can I get back to you?”
Quiet, precious one,
One minute whilst I go to the loo, whilst I grab a drink, whilst I ….
Shhhhhhh, darling baby,
Let me put on the answerphone, close the curtains, silence the dog.
Shhhhhhh, my love,
I love holding you, rocking you, cuddling you.
Shhhhhhh, precious baby,
The washing, the cleaning, the errands will all be there tomorrow.
But you’ll be a day older.
A day less baby-ish, the smell of perfection in your hair, the promise of so many tomorrows in the curl of your hand, the giggles like sunshine that burst unprompted from your lips.
Nothing else matters.
So sleep my precious baby. Sleep, little one.
Whilst Mamma holds you tight.
Written for the Writing Workshop at Sleep is for the Weak using the prompt Like it Matters.
Bless you all for the lovely comments. I usually just write a post when it comes to the Writing Workshop, but this time went a little bit 'creative' so am really chuffed with the positive recption! Thank you.
This is beautiful. Its so easy to forget that everything else can wait.
Stopping by from Sleep is for the weak
Enjoyed reading this and can relate to your words – a lot!
Aww so lovely and i can understand every word you have wrote
What a lovely post!
Beautifully written.