The Zapp Xtra has been taking up space in our hallway for a month. I say ‘taking up space’ but it’s hardly enormous and, when parked next to the Nipper Double, it’s barely noticeable, and after a mere month and many (many) miles along pavements, roads and beaches, I’m not entirely sure I remember life before it.
Those who know me will tell you that I am a pushchair-holic and a change-bag-holic. I know that, after 6 pushchairs and a similar number of change bags, it may seem this way, but I would argue that it’s more about the endless quest for perfection. I’m never going to find it in myself, and I still hold onto my professional reputation as a nanny-and-aspiring-childcare-guru, so I like to keep abreast of the latest developments in the baby world whilst I still have a reason. To which end I would like to confess all those that have gone before the latest addition.
The Mamas and Papas Pliko Travel System. The travel system was invaluable: simple to use, easy to push and steer, becomes a pramette for your precious first born, has all the bells and whistles and a matching car-seat, which carried both of my babies home from the hospital and for the first nine months of their lives. But it’s too heavy for hefting up and down stairs on the underground. Donated to a local charity.
The Silvercross Classic Pram. A gift from Granny M (aka Mothership) on the birth of my firstborn, as is tradition in our family. A classic which has ferried my girls to their Christenings and which they have slept in under the trees in our garden during their first years of life. I will be desperately sad to see it go when I sell it on eBay soon, but it’s become surplus to requirements and the DH won’t let me preserve it in the attic for 30 years until I can bestow it upon my firstborn grandchild.
The Silvercross Pop. Bought as a lighter nippier pushchair to replace the Pliko when I first started taking PD to her modelling assignments. Umbrella fold, good basket, easy to push and steer, solid when loaded with shopping. Will probably sell on ebay.
The Maclaren Quest. Bought cheaply on ebay as a pushchair for the Moneypit and given to a friend as surplus to requirements. I much preferred the Pop.
The Zapp Original (pictured with Pliko on Dimples’ first trip to the coast.) Bought to go on holiday with when we took the PD to Jersey last summer and a big hit with the DH. So small it was easy to keep in the car for moments of spontaneity, and therein lies it’s brilliance. Sadly the small, lightness meant that it didn’t recline, and was likely to topple with any weight on the handlebars. That said, we found ourselves using it more and more, until the arrival of:
The Double Nipper 360. Found after intense research into the best double pushchair for us. An utter dream to push, due to air-filled three-wheels and one handlebar. It also fits through standard doorways, despite appearing enormous. The DH was livid about the unauthorised purchase but after one outing over our gravel driveway, he was a convert, as was everyone who used it. Indeed the Pocket Dictator climbed into it moments after assembly and refused to get out. It was used for the 4 weeks before Dimples was born because it was universally well received. But its getting less use now that PD walks a good deal and rarely naps, and doesn’t fold up particularly small. I shall miss it, though I shall relish the space in the hallway.
The Air Buggy: another ebay steal. All the attributes that I love in the Nipper, only for one child. The pushchair we use all the time at The Beach House. The added bonus is that when the PD gets tired, she can hitch a ride on the footplate!
The Mamas and Papas Pulse Twin. Bought for a steal for our holiday this summer to Mallorca and proved very useful, lacking the suspension of the Nipper but otherwise performing well. It’s key draw was it’s umbrella fold, making it ideal for travelling. It went to the States with us.
All of which leaves the Zapp Xtra, which I was very kindly given to roadtest by Quinny. It has all the great features of the Zapp Original, with a few added benefits in the form of reclining seat, basket and better-designed hood. It is a firm family favourite and makes an excellent sister to its original, in the same way that the Dimpled One is a perfect sister to the Pocket Dictator.
The numerous pushchairs are on their way out now that the Pocket Dictator rattles her way towards Threenager-dom. I shall miss them all, not least because their passing means my babies are growing up. But, like the babies, I’ll enjoy them whilst I have them.
Ha ha, I have bugaboo and when my son was a baby there were only about 3 of us in whole of Walthamstow who had them. You see a lot more now, especially the collapsible (cheaper) bee types.
I was delighted with my bugaboo all the way through although I also used a Maclaren Β£70 model (forgot name) for when travelling on the tube and folding up in car since it was a pain to dismantle the Bugaboo. My son started refusing to go in the Maclaren over six months ago (bumpy ride!) whereas he'll sit in the Bugaboo occasionally if we suggest it.
All in all I'm glad to see the back of buggies… glad I didn't go through as many of them as you!!
Muddling- hell, no to the Bugaboo. I'm not in Islington π
MadHouse- I'm sad to see it go.
Simetimes I find it sad that there are no more pushchairs for me. I would have killed for your silvercross classic!
What no bugaboo???
We have more pushchairs than we should really need but they do all do different things – and then there's the slings… oh well
Indeed Lisa. i fear this will not be the last post about pushchair ownership. I'll save the change bag post for another day too π
Love it… plenty of space for some more before the dimpled one is out of buggies π