This week for The Gallery, we have been challenged with Show and Tell: Celebrations. Initially I thought I’d write about my wedding since it was a) amazing b) beautifully photographed and c) at St Paul’s Cathedral. But the pictures are saved to a separate hard drive and I’m too cold to leave the warmth of the blanketed sofa and go and get it. Then I thought I could write about the Girls’ Christenings, but that would be a little unfair since most of the children were recovering from chickenpox at the time and the pictures are not flattering.
A trawl through the photographs I do have on the laptop that are reasonable made me realise that celebrations in our house have one universal theme: food and, more specifically, cake. To illustrate the point, I have uploaded a few photographs from events over the last year that I think make me look fat more Nigella-ey than I realised. I may yet become the mythical Domestic Goddess from which my blog title is taken.
Thanks everyone. Not all (though mostly) my work. I'm honing a skill
Hmm! I am licking my lips just looking at that lot!
What a gorgeous post those cakes are amazing. x
I love the cupcakes with buttons on…well I love them all cos they're cakes but those are particularly beautiful! Cakes feature high on the celebration agenda here too! Lovely!
They all look great especially the dog cake! Wow!
What amazing cakes! Love those floppy-eared doggies and the footie cake
Ooohh lovely, lovely cakes!