• meat and fish, bones included
• leftover and out-of-date food, cooked or uncooked
• tea bags and coffee grounds
The Mummy Bin is then collected every week, together with cardboard and paper, whilst other recycling (cans, glass etc) is collected every other week, alternating with the non-recyclable ‘regular refuse’. All of which are a dramatic shift from the simple system that we have had, where bins were collected every week and recycling every other week. But the evidence that the Council provides suggest that the amount of recycling has increased from 24 per cent to 52 per cent in the trial areas with tonnages of non-recyclable rubbish falling by 45 per cent.
I am delighted, since it means I no longer have to humour the DH and his wormery (not that it isn’t a good idea, you understand, it’s just that I have an aversion to, well, worms.) And I do get more satisfaction than ever from recycling, not least because the effects are almost immediate. OK, Baby Bin is so tiny that a bad mealtime with the Pocket Dictator and her Dimpled Sidekick and it is full, which oftentimes mean it gets emptied a couple of times in one day. But I am emptying our kitchen bin far less often. My immediate concern, having only just managed to get the DH to cope with my simple notification system (if the collection day is circled on our calendar, it’s a Recycle Day, if not, it’s just a Bin Day), however will I a) come up with a foolproof system and b) how will I teach the DH??
Go on! You know you want to tell me what you think!