So last week I went up to London to spend time with the people from Bosch DIY and their primary advocate Cherry Healey for a Drill ‘n’ Spill evening. I love that blogging has brought me the kind of experience that allows you to sit around in the beautiful rooms at Homemade London and get your craft on with a really interesting blend of bloggers and crafters.
That’s literally all I did: sit sticking every single bit of pink and purple glittery flower to what had originally been a birdhouse. There was a prize for the winner, which went to the on-the-mend Sandy Calico so I can’t be cross at her but I tell you that I was properly robbed. OK, she decorated the inside of her birdhouse. But I recreated mine as a ‘fairy cottage’. Yes, I may have sassed the stunning Cherry Healey (seriously- why did I not look that hot when pregnant?) who was judging, and yes, I may have gone overboard with the gluing but that nifty Bosch cordless glue-pen is so easy and fun to use I could have glued all day.
Plus, I did not burn myself once.
I also tested some of the other 10.8 range of products– that is, all the tools run off the same 10.8V battery- whilst I was there: all super lightweight but still hard-working and perfect for a girlie toolbelt. At least they would be if the colours weren’t so, you know, ‘grown-up’ and ‘sensible’. But I bet that if I had a set of those tools *bats eyelids at lovely Bosch people* I would never have to wait for DH to be available to mend things or assemble things. It’s all about Power. And in this case, those Bosch babies have it in spades. Or drills.
Bish, bash, Bosch (I love a good- bad- pun) from here on in ladies #DesignItYourself
*disclosure: I was invited to this event and plied with sausage rolls. I received a glue-pen to take home. I embarrassed myself without help. all opinions are my own.
I may be able to wall paper a bird house, but BISH BASH BOSCH is EPIC 🙂
I am so proud I cannot tell you Sandy 🙂
I thank you *bows*
‘Bish, bash, Bosch’ is possibly one of the best blog title puns I have ever seen. Respect.