I’ve seen quite a few plant marker posts on Pinterest, my spiritual home. Sadly they seem to involved metal stamping of some kind and that, quite frankly, is beyond my threshold of what-can-be-reasonably-achieved-in-my-lifetime. I’m fairly sure that the tools required would throw DH over the edge and may force him to move into his as-yet-unfinished-man-shed and never return.
But I am nothing if not inventive. Aside from the fact that our garden has been roundly trashed in the construction of the aforementioned-man-shed, the stone markers I made last year had been ravaged by time and weather, causing a rethink. Fortunately for me, and DH I imagine, the rethink took the form of a bunch of mis-matched dessert spoons I found in a charity shop for a mere 10p each.
Home I took my booty, which also included a hat, two cardigans and a play kitchen (a gift to The Girls from DH to thank them for surrendering their playhouse to storage of ‘important stuff’ whilst the man-shed replaces the shed.) With a mere fifty minutes before I had to leave the house to start the school run, I immediately searched out my porcelain pen. The pens were last used to embellish the plant-pots that were painted orange at the Pumpkin party, so I knew that they would work on my project.
There was no banging, no stamping, no hammering, no noise, in fact, of any kind. Just me, a pen, and a few spoons. Which, after being left to dry, looked like this (click to enlarge).
Now I just need my garden back so that I can use them.
These are so Cute- and Easy- just a pen!?!? No stamping!? My kind of project! Saw you featured over at Spunky Junky! Thanks for this awesome idea!!
Seriously!! What a cool idea, I can’t wait to try this out! Does the ink stay on if you by chance have to wash the pens? FYI…I am featuring you in the morning on Spunky Junky.
Thanks Halsey- I’ve just seen the link. I really appreciate the feature! Thus far the pens have stayed put- they have been sprayed thoroughly and rained on, but not ‘washed’ if that makes sense.
Glad you like them Jen, and thanks for visiting. No pen- super quick.
This is brilliant. I am looking for a prettier option than the popsicle sticks I usually use. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from Skip to My Lou.
Thanks for visiting ClaimingOurSpace- glad you like the project!
Liz- I had concerns about the amount of finger bashing too!
Great idea!
I’ve seen those pics on Pinterest too and like you always fancied a go but was put off by the toolery/noise/hitting of thumb aspect. This is a great way round it.
What?! This is genius!! Those spoons are so sweet! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!
Sometimes the simplest solution is great too! I do love those stamped spoons, but you have to have a set of those letters, so your solution is so much simpler, and quite cute! Thanks so much for sharing on Craft schooling Sunday!
I really, really like this idea! I’ve been thinking about doing something like this & now know an easier way to do it.
link back your post when you’re done Kim. Glad I could help!
Those are so cute! I made some before where you use those alphabet stamps but this is so much easier!
I need to get some spoons, I have some alphabet stamps and so need to do this
Really cute idea, I need to get me some of those pens!
oo I love these. I will definitely be stealing the idea for my allotment. 🙂
I love this. These are awesome! Just had my first metal stamp fail yesterday!! I’m off to find a porcelain pen today! Thanks for sharing!